Why The Bible’s “Do Not Have Sexual Relations Until Marriage” Means More Than Just Sex

Cory Hinton
3 min readMay 28, 2022

Most people may have accepted the Bible’s rules regarding sex, but what is missing from most explanations are the roots and the purpose of these practices. In this article, we will explore how a biblical view on marriage and sex can impact our lives more so than in just moralities.

Why God told to dedicate our bodies to Him?

There are a lot of people out there that believe that the Bible only talks about sex in a negative way. They think that all of the Bible’s laws about sex are meant to control and manipulate the population. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. The “Do Not Have Sexual Relations Until Marriage” commandment is actually one of the most important commandments in the Bible.

The reason this commandment is so important is because it not only defines what is considered proper sexual behavior, but it also teaches us how to properly dedicate our bodies to God. When we obey this commandment, we are demonstrating our obedience to God and also setting an example for our children. It is crucial that we teach our children about the importance of marital fidelity and chastity, and the “Do Not Have Sexual Relations Until Marriage” commandment helps us do just that.

What is the purpose of sex in marriage and what are some benefits to waiting?

The biblical garland of marriage refers to more than sex. First and foremost it is a symbol of covenantal commitment between one man and one woman. The purpose for sexual intimacy within marriage is to provide emotional and physical pleasure, create a bond of trust, reinforce marital commitment, and produce children. Additionally, waiting until marriage to have sex may offer other benefits like greater intimacy, mutual respect, self-respect, and spiritual growth.

What It Means to Wait Until Marriage?

There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding waiting until marriage to have sex. People think that this means abstaining from every other activity, including dating and flirting. However, the Bible’s “Do Not Have Sexual Relations Until Marriage” commandment actually has a lot more to it than just abstaining from sexual activity. The Bible teaches that sexual intimacy between husband and wife is intended for purposes of procreation and emotional satisfaction. In other words, waiting until marriage to have sex protects not only your physical health, but also your emotional well-being. Here are 2 main reasons why you should wait until marriage to have sex:

  1. It will help you save your virginity. According to studies, losing your virginity before marriage increases the likelihood of getting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. Losing your virginity in a biblical context means giving yourself completely to someone else in accordance with God’s plan for your life. Waiting to have sex until after marriage preserves your innocence and helps protect your spiritual integrity.
  2. It will help you avoid emotional trauma. When you’re sexually inexperienced, it can be easy to go too far or perform Sexual Acts incorrectly. These things can lead to emotional trauma if they arent experienced properly.

Other Bible Teaching on Marriage and Sex

Why The Bible’s “Do Not Have Sexual Relations Until Marriage” Means More Than Just Sex

When it comes to biblical teaching on marriage and sex, the bible has a lot to say. And while there are definitely several commandments that deal with these topics specifically, there is another teaching that can be gleaned from the bible — one that has a much broader impact.

According to this teaching, sexual relations before marriage is not just a matter of having safe and healthy sex. It also reflects negatively upon both parties involved, creates problems down the road, and essentially puts a strain on the relationship.

This is why the bible strongly recommends waiting until marriage to have sexual relations. Not only does this produce healthier marriages overall, but it allows forsettle issues that can develop during those early stages of a relationship.

So when it comes to biblical teachings on marriage and sex:

3 main takeaways:

  1. Have healthy and safe sex

2. Wait until marriage to have sexual relations

3. It’s important to respect one another in these delicate moments.



Cory Hinton

Pastor-Husband-Father-Entrepreneur Blog: Religion,Leadership,Relationships,History, Society. https://coryhinton.medium.com/subscribe