What It Means To Be Made In The Image Of God, Impact of Social Media on Self Image

Cory Hinton


From the time we are born, we are surrounded by messages telling us what it means to be “made in the image of God.” These messages come from our parents, religious teachers, the media, and even strangers. What do these messages mean for us?

Recognize the Real Problem

There is a big problem in the church today. Too many people are not recognizing that we need to be made “in the image of God.” Too many people are not living as He would have them live. We need to start living like Him and recognize the real problem.

Stop Denial

Being made in the image of God is not a license to do whatever we please. It means that we have been created with dominion and purpose, and that our life is meant to be lived for God. It means living according to God’s laws, and striving to be like Him in every way. Being made in His image also means being accountable to Him, and submitting ourselves to His authority.

Combat Lies with Truth

Being made in the image of God means having a relationship with Him that is both personal and intimate. It is a relationship in which we are called to obey His every command and live for Him alone.

This is a difficult concept for many people to grasp, especially because we are taught to think of ourselves as separate from God. But the Bible makes it clear that we are created in God’s image, and He desires a personal relationship with us. In fact, one of the most important things we can do to grow closer to Him is to listen to His voice and obey His commands.

The Bible also teaches that being made in the image of God means being righteous and holy. We must put away all our evil thoughts and actions, and learn to live according to God’s perfect standards. This isn’t easy, but it is necessary if we want to be close to Him.

Talk practically

Christians today have a vast array of expressions and meanings when it comes to what it means to be made in the image of God. In general, though, there are three primary aspects to being made in the image of God: physical resemblance, moral character, and spiritual nature.

Physical resemblance refers to our outward appearance. We are made in the image of God because we are supposed to look like Him-tall and strong, with eyes that seem to see everything, and a face that is beautiful and peaceful.

Moral character encompasses our disposition and actions. We are to act wisely, love generously, forgive easily, and serve others without self-interest. We are also called to live lives that reflect the character of God Himself-righteous, merciful, faithful, obedient.

Spiritual nature refers to our relationship with God. We are created in His image because He is the source of all life-good and bad alike. We are called to live according to His principles-to love Him completely and completely obey Him.

Facts About The Effects of Social Media on Teen Self Image

Social media has a big impact on teen self image. Teens who are constantly exposed to images of perfect, thin bodies and happy, successful people are more likely to have low self esteem.

One of the biggest problems with social media is that it creates unrealistic expectations for teenage girls. Many girls view themselves as miniature versions of their favorite celebrities. They start to feel bad about their own bodies and think they need to be skinny or have perfect skin in order to be attractive.

Social media also has a negative effect on boys’ self image. Boys are often exposed to images of muscular athletes and models. This can lead to body dysmorphia, or a fixation on having an excessively muscular body. It can also make boys feel inadequate and depressed about their own bodies.

It’s important for parents to talk to their children about the effects of social media on their self image. They can help set sensible limits on how much social media their children can use and monitor the content they’re exposed to. This will help ensure that teenagers have healthy self images that reflect the image of God in them.


In this article, we have looked at what it means to be made in the image of God. We have seen that just as God is perfect, so too are we called to be perfect. We have also seen how being made in the image of God entails being created in His own likeness and having all that He has within us. Finally, we have seen how living according to Gods design will bring us happiness and fulfillment. So whatever you are struggling with right now- whether it is an addiction or a difficult situation- remember that you are not alone and that there is help available if you seek it out.



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