Gods Purpose For Your Life | 3 P’s Approach to Living Each Day

Cory Hinton
4 min readFeb 26, 2022

Everyday life for most individuals can be an exhausting experience. Most of us eagerly anticipate the moment when we can find ourselves beneath the sheets laying in our beds ready for a much needed night of sleep. Many of us get to this point only to find out we can’t stop the sudden rush of thoughts that run through our minds for sometimes hours or what seems to be an eternity. Why do we do this? Unresolved issues of the day, did we pay our bill on time, a momentary lapse in judgement that led to an emotional outburst, or even the assurance knowing we are prepared for the next day of life.

How do we find relief for such an experience? God provides us with the answers inside the Bible and the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. An mindset for each day that aligns with His purpose for our Life. Here are 3 strategies for approaching each day with perspective, combating uncontrollable thoughts, and ultimately living out the purpose behind our life set before us by God with tenacious resilience for each day.

3 Strategies for Approaching Each Day Successfully


  • Decide to Live Life One Day at a Time by Living in the Present Moment

For anyone to try and convince you that you can consciously live in the moment every hour of every day would be a futile attempt to prove something that is mentally and physically impossible. Our minds have a tendency to wonder and look ahead at the next thing on our action items list.

By deciding to live your life one day at a time you are making a conscious effort to live in the present moment.

All we have is the present moment. Nobody is promised a tomorrow or a next week, month, or year. Coming to terms with this truth reinforces the decision to remain present and focusing on the here and now of living a life one day at a time. Making the decision to do so keeps your new goal for your day in the forefront of your mind thus when that thought begins to creep back in of what is next for you, a reminder of the decision you made pops up to help you stay committed to the decision you have made.

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble (Matthew 6:24)


  • Use the 5 Second Rule and Pray anytime your thoughts seem to be out of control

Inevitably as you work to become consistent with your decision to live in the present moment, those old thought patterns that controlled you will remain at war with your mind. Using the 5 second rule and prayer are your biggest tools in these moments as you fix your focus back to the present moment. The 5 second rule is when you agree to fully allow yourself to entertain the uncontrolled thoughts for the next 5 seconds then after those 5 seconds completely let go of the thought and refocus back on the moment.

Nothing is more powerful in life than the power of prayer

Prayer is how we connect communicate with God. Consider prayer as the key to the door of Gods house. When we pray our minds are physically disconnected from anything else occupying our consciousness. We experience the peace of God when we lay out before him our requests, worries, and thoughts in our prayer and communication with Him. Knowing we serve a loving God who has in His power to change any outcome that leads to us bringing more glory upon Him.

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)


  • Accept that God has given you Each Day to Use as You Will

We have a choice to either waste our day or use it for good. What you choose to do with your day is important in the purpose God has for your life. The reason being is that we are exchanging a day of our life for each moment in the day. When and if you wake up tomorrow in Gods will, the present moment of the previous day will be gone forever! You will leave something in the place of the day that you traded for it. Live everyday as a gain not a loss, good not evil, a success not failure.

We can never forget the price we pay for each day of our life. Every present moment matters in the overall story we write of our lives.

Former Alabama football coaching legend Paul “Bear” Bryant, who is considered to be one of the greatest sports coaches of all time, kept a poem written on a piece of paper in his pocket every day. He would pull out the poem at varying times in his day, read the poem, then quietly fold it back up and put it back in his pocket. Upon his death, his wife found the poem and it has since then because a piece of his legendary life that is cherished by many and aligns with the success coach Bryant achieved with his life. I’ll conclude the post with a picture of the poem. Nothing is more representative of a great approach to daily life than the eloquent words expressed within the poem.

You can achieve anything you set out to do. Why not begin by living in the present moment-one day at a time. God is with you.

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Cory Hinton

Pastor-Husband-Father-Entrepreneur Blog: Religion,Leadership,Relationships,History, Society. https://coryhinton.medium.com/subscribe